You’ll be amazed at how easy, inexpensive and profitable it is to start your very own web hosting business! We provide you with all of the tools and support needed to have your business up and running in only a few minutes time.
Teqservers’ Master Reseller hosting is a type of web hosting that allows you to purchase a chunk of our server resources wholesale and resell them to your clients for a profit. It also allows you to also have resellers under you.
When you select your desired plan, you are provided with access via the cPanel Web Host Manager (WHM) program with a Master Reseller right. This is where you can create and manage all your custom accounts on your server, which customers can use to host websites and you can as well grant some of your clients’ to have resellers under them.
As a Master Reseller, you’ll provide your expert customer service to your customers. You can set up an automated ticketing system using our white-label CRM. Also, we will also come through for you when it get though.
WHM Reseller hosting gives you more control and more resources than Shared Hosting. As a WHM Reseller, you’re allowed to create and manage multiple shared hosting accounts, with the intention of selling them to your clients. But as a Master Reseller, you have all WHM reseller hosting plus an option to give some of your clients’ a right to become your own reseller.